Category: Posts

  • How to add signature to PDF file using an image

    And we are back again to another spontaneous tutorial! This day, we will be tackling on how you can add your signature on any PDF file or form that’s needing it. You will not be using any third-party sources or websites to do this. You just need to have an Adobe Reader! Yes, the very…


    I was caught up with a film jam in my Instax Mini 8. The first thought that came into my mind was “Oh no! I broke my camera.” The black slide (the first thing that slides up when you put a new film) was caught in the camera rollers. I panicked and said cursed words,…

  • Hello World and WordPress-verse!! (Ver. 2.0)

    It’s been a long day, without you my friend… As the song goes. But I guess no ones misses me here. Haha too much of that melancholic theme. Hello everybody and welcome, welcome again to my blog!! Yeeyy!! 🎉🎊 It’s a very long time that I haven’t posted anything here, because I was just caught…

  • The Unforgettable First TRIP!!

    Throughout our lives, we encountered many moments that we could keep for life. Some were memorable, embarrassing, shocking, etc. I could share many experiences to you but I guess this one, is the MOST UNFORGETTABLE TRIP I could ever have in my ENTIRE LIFE. So, here it goes! One of my high school friend and true…


    Age is just a number but being young is a  state of mind. No one is too old to be young. You just got to have that youthful state of mind, but with a twist! Having an understanding of a matured man. Things will just pass in this life. It’s up to us to make…

  • I QUIT!

    For these few months, I did try myself to get used with my new work life, but as time goes by I wasn’t able to adjust. I always tell myself, I’ll stay for a couple of months longer, or just get used with it, but the more I say it, the more I desire to get…

  • It’s L.O.V.E!!

    Ahhh… Love… It’s one of the most beautiful thing that will ever happen to us. It drives us to be inspired, to be happy and to be love in a special way. But once this feeling is felt too strong, then it drives us to be jealous, to be insecure and some, to the point…

  • Journey through the night

    “The moonlight, that once illuminated my way home, lights my journey to a whole new adventure. An adventure that sets the hesitant’s mind into a decisive one. And an adventure that sure will meet it’s end, like the moon that shines only at night. “ Before, the moonlight guides my way home to where I…

  • The “it”.

    “I am on the verge of giving up. Like my mind and my heart is battling if I should go on or just stay on that same spot forever, where I am comfortable at. I am happy being like this, living a simple life with the simple things that gives me simple joy on a…