Category: New

  • Hello World and WordPress-verse!! (Ver. 2.0)

    It’s been a long day, without you my friend… As the song goes. But I guess no ones misses me here. Haha too much of that melancholic theme. Hello everybody and welcome, welcome again to my blog!! Yeeyy!! 🎉🎊 It’s a very long time that I haven’t posted anything here, because I was just caught…

  • The Unforgettable First TRIP!!

    Throughout our lives, we encountered many moments that we could keep for life. Some were memorable, embarrassing, shocking, etc. I could share many experiences to you but I guess this one, is the MOST UNFORGETTABLE TRIP I could ever have in my ENTIRE LIFE. So, here it goes! One of my high school friend and true…

  • A wanderer….

    A wanderer….


    Age is just a number but being young is a  state of mind. No one is too old to be young. You just got to have that youthful state of mind, but with a twist! Having an understanding of a matured man. Things will just pass in this life. It’s up to us to make…

  • It’s L.O.V.E!!

    Ahhh… Love… It’s one of the most beautiful thing that will ever happen to us. It drives us to be inspired, to be happy and to be love in a special way. But once this feeling is felt too strong, then it drives us to be jealous, to be insecure and some, to the point…

  • The “it”.

    “I am on the verge of giving up. Like my mind and my heart is battling if I should go on or just stay on that same spot forever, where I am comfortable at. I am happy being like this, living a simple life with the simple things that gives me simple joy on a…

  • Hello world!

    Hi, there! Welcome to my blog! I am new to this thing, like blogging, because I am just contented on keeping my thoughts and everything I wanted to say on my diary. I’m afraid of what others might say because of the way I think or they won’t respect my opinion. But now, I want…