The Unforgettable First TRIP!!

Throughout our lives, we encountered many moments that we could keep for life. Some were memorable, embarrassing, shocking, etc. I could share many experiences to you but I guess this one, is the MOST UNFORGETTABLE TRIP I could ever have in my ENTIRE LIFE. So, here it goes!

One of my high school friend and true friend for life was getting married, and she invited us her close friends. Some of our friends weren’t able to attend her wedding because it’s too far and due to some work circumstances. And also you have to ride a ship/ferry boat for you to get there. (The place was Inabanga, Bohol, Philippines.) But before the BIG DAY, May 14, me and my other 4 friends was planning to go there together. But we change our plan when one of my friend’s leave approval wasn’t approved; and the other one wasn’t able to come due to that she was pregnant; and the other one was because she haven’t much money or budget for the trip. So me and my other friend were the last two women standing that can go there. My other friend was the one who is in-charge for getting us a ticket for Bohol, but she wasn’t able to reserve for the two of us because every evening trip for Bohol was sold-out. So we don’t have a choice but to get a 12am trip via Tubigon, Bohol. Upon meeting up, we met at 10pm at the port, my other friend said that tickets will be distributed once you get there to the ship. One ship came and docked on. But as time goes by, we noticed that they loade first the trucks and cars. So it was like a cargo first before passengers. We just heard it from one of the passengers that the ship will not distribute tickets on-board. So we were having a little panic upon knowing it. If we could still get on the ship and a lot of negative thoughts were running in our head.

Since we noticed that trucks were first loaded on the ship, we come up an idea, to take or ride on one of the trucks. Although we find it absurd, but we don’t have a choice anymore. So we talked to drivers and truck boys. But some of them declined because it will cause trouble for them. So, luckily, we were able to spot a truck we could negotiate. We must take a trip on that midnight because we put up much for us to take off on that day from work. We talked with the driver, and we reasoned out that we are one of my friend’s wedding bridesmaid, although we aren’t. After much talking, the driver said yes. And then we ride on the back of the driver’s seat. Driver’s seat here on the Philippines is located on the left side of the truck.

This picture somehow resembles the truck we ride on. I wasn’t able to pay much attention though.

There’s a small space behind the seats, so there we hide away from the prying eyes of the passengers wanting to ride on the ship. While we were inside the truck, it was so hot and tight. And the driver said that we mustn’t move because the someone might notice that some people were in his truck. So we lay there like a statue. And it so happened my other friend was having a cramps, so I massage her left thigh to get it away. Then the truck’s turn was up and, there we lay and didn’t make any move until it was okay to move. We felt sorry for other passengers that are wanting to board. But we must go there before the sun comes out. The ship already started its trip by 2am because some passengers protested that they won’t get away from the ramp until they will be allowed to take on the ship. But later on, passengers just get off with a heavy heart.

During the trip, we were like spies because if there’s other people, we hide. We kept on praying for our safe trip and that there is no danger that will happen to us. Then, we arrived in Tubigon safe and sound. We say thanks and give money to the truck boy and driver for letting us get on their truck. We then ride a tricycle on going there. I soooo loooove Bohol, because it’s so quiet and you could relax there. You could feel that you are one with nature and there are so many trees. If I could have a leave next time, for sure I will visit again Bohol and get lost in there.

So because of this experience and in my observation, I came up with 5 trip tips for you that is applicable:

  1. Book a ticket to your desired destination. This is a must have if you don’t want to experience riding a truck because at times it could be REAL dangerous.
  2. Never hesitate to ask a local. This is also important! Especially if you are not much familiar with the place. Ask a local person if you don’t know where you’re going too. You don’t have to be an introvert or shy when you are in a trip.
  3. Make a budget for your trip. Make a list of all the expenses you could incur while travelling. I guess the biggest part must be your transportation and food. Especially here in the Philippines, some places are accessible only by tricycle and motorcycle.
  4. Be like a local, when it comes to food. If you’re in the Philippines, never miss a chance to try our delicacies and foods here. Although we all have different taste buds, but I can assure you, foods here are so yummy and delicious. In the future, I so want to taste the sea urchin. Kudos for me when that time comes! You must also try our delicacies here in Cebu (because I’m from Cebu province), especially rosquillos (my fave), dried mangoes, piyaya, and many more!
  5. Visit every beautiful places. But not that much, if you feel it’s not safe to go there, then don’t. Although Philippines has many good places to visit on, there are also a limitations to it. You must take precautions because you might not know what will happen to you. You must follow your tour guide, rules and regulations and be safe always in getting lost.

So, there you go! Be safe always in going to different places and always act with precaution so that no harm may bestowed on you. So, let’s travel moooorreee!!!! 😀

P.S. The tips I listed are in my humble opinion, so respect it if ever I forgot to mention something, because I’m not a hardcore traveler. Every trip is a memorable one if you are with good company and you were able to relax and enjoy. 😉


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